Articles: Meditations

Title Excerpt

February 23, 2024
” … in reality, the practice of loving-kindness is about cultivating love as a strength, a muscle, a tool that challenges our tendency to see people (including ourselves) as disconnected, statically and rigidly isolated from one another. Loving-kindness is about opening …

February 5, 2024
Heart awareness visualization meditation is one of the best practices you can do to get really present with the intelligence and awareness of your heart. Studies show that the heart’s intelligence is way more attuned to the truth of your …

December 23, 2023
“Let us now move away from the demands and needs of our chaotic world and slip into our inner world, into the quite, still room of the mind. it is a place, a space of calm, stillness and peace. Here, I …

November 29, 2023
Sitting quietly, feel what sits there. Observe the scintillating field of sensation we call the body. Notice sensation’s wordless quality. It’s sense of simply being humming through the body. Go within sensation to that subtle presence by which the sensation …

October 8, 2023
Notice: This is a first method of meditation that you can use in order to become aware of who you are. You can do it anytime, anywhere! You don’t need beads, you don’t need ashrams, you just need your breath! In …

August 29, 2023
Heart awareness visualization meditation is one of the best practices you can do to get really present with the intelligence and awareness of your heart. Studies show that the heart’s intelligence is way more attuned to the truth of your …

July 5, 2023
Centre the mind on the Sun. Every piece of stone, every drop of water, and every bit of oxygen around you is filled with light, nothing but dazzling white light. Suppose every grain of sand became conscious, every rock could …

March 23, 2023
The subconscious mind is the storehouse of every memory and moment from our life, positive or negative and holds every scar of the traumatic events we have endured. This creates our persona, how we see and relate to life, react …

September 28, 2021
Our world is currently in the midst of a pandemic, so it goes without saying that many of us are feeling insecure, anxious, unsafe and unstable.  In the midst of all the chaos connecting your body to the Earth is …

April 7, 2021
We can only see so much from where we sit in our particular bodies, in the midst of our particular lives, rooted as we are in the continuum of space and time. The Divine, on the other hand, is not …

May 22, 2020
“In the woods we return to reason and faith”- Ralph Waldo Emerson To begin, close your eyes and take a few slow breaths. Connect with the subtle energy that runs up your spine with each inhalation. If you like, invite …

February 7, 2020
A heart awareness visualization meditation is one of the best practices you can do to get really present with the intelligence and awareness of your heart. Studies show that the heart’s intelligence is way more attuned to the truth of your inner and outer …

November 22, 2019
Meditation is part of our active contribution to the evolution of the world besides it make a difference in own life.. Even if the World is in destruct mode, we are active, engaged human beings in modern world. In meditation, …

October 16, 2019
” You’re only as old as your spine is flexible.” ~ Joseph Pilates. This holds true in its entirety, as our age is not defined by the number of years we have spent on the material plane, but it is …

August 21, 2019
Notice: This is a first method of meditation that you can use in order to become aware of who you are. You can do it anytime, anywhere! You don’t need beads, you don’t need ashrams, you just need your breath! In …

December 31, 2018
” Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.” – Sonia Ricotti Whatever your dreams, goals and aspirations are for 2019, the YTF wishes all our members a very Happy and Abundant New Year!   …

November 16, 2018
The main goal of yoga is to control and direct our mental fluctuations, so that when the dust settles we can see yourself for who we really are and the reality for what it is. The main tool to do …

July 15, 2018
“You can use mantras, breath, or the quiet glow of a candle. Your technique is not important as long as you know this one simple thing: it is natural for thoughts to arise during meditation. You will say your mantra, …

March 25, 2018
In order to unfold, self-compassion depends on honest, direct contact with our own vulnerability. This compassion fully blossoms when we actively offer care to ourselves. Yet when we’ve gotten stuck in the trance of unworthiness, it often feels impossible to arouse …

December 15, 2017
“Let us now move away from the demands and needs of our chaotic world and slip into our inner world, into the quite, still room of the mind. it is a place, a space of calm, stillness and peace. Here, I …

March 29, 2017
Many of us are hindered by a procession of well worn negative thoughts that affect how we view what happens to us in life, what we expect from it and ultimately, what life gives us.  The simple remedy for this? …

February 24, 2017
Sitting quietly, feel what sits there. Observe the scintillating field of sensation we call the body. Notice sensation’s wordless quality. Its sense of simply being humming through the body. Go within sensation to that subtle presence by which the sensation …

August 17, 2016
Super simple 4 step technique to make a deeply positive impact on your life. 1. Stand in front of a mirror and look straight into your eyes. 2. With a feeling of love, say to yourself, “I believe in myself.” …

January 27, 2016
” You can use mantras, breath, or the quiet glow of a candle. Your technique is not important as long as you know this one simple thing: it is natural for thoughts to arise during meditation.  You will say your …

January 16, 2015
Simply notice and let go… Noticing In your imagination, see the air going in and out of your nose. Notice the breath going in. Notice the breath going out. And notice the little transition point between the ingoing and outgoing …

September 5, 2014
Spring clean and fine tune your Chakra system by invoking the healing colours of nature that burst forth with the arrival of Spring. RED: The Base Chakra (Muladhara) The first chakra is activated by a clear, bright shade of red. …

May 15, 2014
Sooth, inspire and awaken your spirit: Autumnal healing presented by the YTF and ISHTA School of Yoga and Health. Facilitators Alice Hoeler and Peter Attwood guide you on a deep healing meditation using sounds created by Tibetan bowls and gongs. “Nothing exists …

February 23, 2014
“Yoga is a balancing factor, a substratum across all of your life, so you do not get shifted in one direction or another. “It gives you freshness, gives you light, recharges your batteries. “You become a stable person. “You realise …

February 9, 2014
“Welcome the Divine Light”: Wonderful SA talent, unique crossover version of Gayatri Mantra incorporating Sanskrit and Arabic tradition by Yusuf Desertrose

January 21, 2014
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha Om Guhm Guh-nuh-puh-tuh-yea Nah-mah-hah Om and salutations to Ganapati (Ganesha) The new year offers a chance to bring your deepest desires to life. But first you  have to find a path around the obstacles standing in …

July 22, 2013
Ensure personal stillness from a place of strength and even breath. We bring to awareness historical separations, discrimination, prejudices due to backgrounds, religious intolerance, racial issues and social unrest. We breath from our heart  to the heart of humanity acceptance, …

June 24, 2013
Tibetan heart Yoga guided by Mark & Marloes Joseph at Ishta school of Yoga, 22 June 2013 What an appropriate time for deep awareness and open heartedness to anchor the light of compassion. This is a wonderful meditation for moving beyond …

May 10, 2013
New and Full Moons, called lunations, are key pivot points every month. They are periods of initiation and illumination, provoking action and spurring awareness. Eclipses are special lunations when shedding ego (solar) or habits (lunar) is a critical element required …

March 12, 2010
Taken from newly updated book: Redefine Your Reality – Awaken To Light, by Shafin de Zane I’d like to tell you about the role of patience when living a spiritual life. In the very beginning, let me clarify that this …

February 3, 2010
Note: Although this was written in response to the recent quake in Haiti, this healing information is helpful for any difficult situation, anywhere, anytime. Do large-scale disasters seem overwhelming to you?  You can learn to face your fears, and you …

October 16, 2009
Visualization is powerful tool. It is so rewarding to use the skill to visualize, as part of our daily routine. Visualization is a process of giving directions to the unconscious mind. It is estimated that 90 percent of our minds are …

October 5, 2009
People often ask about meditation music. “Is there any good music to meditate by; is there any music that helps you de-stress, calm down and relax? Sure, and if that’s your definition of “meditation music”. All sorts of instrumental music fits the …

July 20, 2009
Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania are studying this Kundalini Yoga exercise to determine whether and how it creates actual changes in the brain. While waiting for definitive research results, you can do your own study at home and see …

July 20, 2009
Give Life to Your Experience: Extract from a Lecture by Swami Mani Finger We try all day to create happiness and freedom from suffering in our lives, but so often, in one fell swoop, act not only as the creator, …

May 1, 2009
One Sun for Everyone “One Sun. One Soul. One Self. No you, no me,  just Divinity.”