Articles: Asanas

Title Excerpt

March 19, 2024
The practice of Yogic breathing affects the human body in very predictable ways. The Sanskrit word, “pranayama” literally means the control of our life energy (prana). Prana is a bright and lively form of energy that is more subtle than …

March 12, 2024
It’s hot out there! Practice Sitali breath to cool you down. Deep in the Himalayas, ancient sages observed and imitated the world around them in the noble attempt to master body, breath, and mind. They noticed the curve of a …

March 7, 2024
Breathing in rhythmic formations will help you to concentrate and gain control of the breath and hence, control of the mind In most cases of so-called “normal breathing”, the breathing action is concentrated in the upper part of the chest. …

February 10, 2024
If you’ve been to even just a few yoga classes, you’ve probably heard the term “heart opener”. This term, though often used to describe back-bending, chest-opening postures, actually digs so much deeper than that. Heart opening in yoga can happen …

November 22, 2023
Balasana (Child’s pose), is a restorative pose that is known for its calming, grounding, and relaxing effects. It gently stretches the lower back, hips, and thighs, while calming the mind and relieving stress. Child’s Pose (Balasana) centers on creating a …

November 16, 2023
Many foundational yoga poses come from things we see in nature..animals, plants, mountains, celestial bodies and the elements. In this way, our yoga is not just a union of our mind, body and breathing but also a way to connect …

October 18, 2023
Anxiety can be overwhelming. It’s extremely helpful to have some trusted techniques to help calm and centre yourself when you feel like things are out of control. By taking a few minutes out of your day, you can help soothe …

August 13, 2023
If you’ve been to even just a few yoga classes, you’ve probably heard the term “heart opener”. This term, though often used to describe back-bending, chest-opening postures, actually digs so much deeper than that. Heart opening in yoga can happen …

July 11, 2023
The cold and dry air that accompanies winter weather can aggravate your sinuses, adding extra irritation on top of seasonal colds. While in the summer we can use sitali, the cooling breath, to reduce body heat, winter weather calls for …

May 19, 2023
Among the many breathing practices found in yoga, most emphasize muscular control in inhalation, not exhalation. A unique breathing exercise called kapalabhati reverses this familiar pattern. In kapalabhati the exhalation is active, with inhalation playing a passive role. Kapalabhati treats the yoga …

March 13, 2023
Have you ever taken a yoga class that was far beyond your level or capacity? There were no options given other than to keep ‘pushing through’? Chances are you felt very little steadiness or much feeling of accomplishment – and …

March 5, 2023
“The ultimate goal for the mind according to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is nirodah (concentration, control). It’s like putting something in an envelope and then sealing it. What’s in, stays in and is not affected by what sits on the …

March 3, 2023
A complete study of yoga requires us to study and apply the concepts of Abhyasa and Vairagya. They are the two main principles upon which yoga is based. Abhyasa is defined as practice and repetition of practice. “It is the art of learning that …

January 29, 2023
According to The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Hatha Yoga has eight limbs: yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dhaurana, dhyana, and samadhi. One step leads to the next in this order, and each step will be practiced throughout life. All equally important …

November 16, 2022
The practice of Yogic breathing affects the human body in very predictable ways. The Sanskrit word, “pranayama” literally means the control of our life energy (prana). Prana is a bright and lively form of energy that is more subtle than …

September 27, 2022
As yoga teachers, our job is to teach yoga. Which means more than just teaching our students how to do yoga poses and how to breathe properly. It’s also our duty to impart some of the deeper wisdom and more …

September 15, 2022
An analysis of oneself on a regular basis can provide invaluable insights into one’s nature, on a fundamental level. It is all about being centred in the moment, and being quiet (mauna) during the entire process of self-enquiry. This quietude …

September 7, 2022
Studying is the foundation of learning, growing, and evolving in every aspect of our lives.  Yet, do we really know what it means to study?  According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, to study is “the act or process of applying …

May 29, 2022
In an era where vision is increasingly fixed on screens, it is important to remember the health of your eyes. Practice the following exercises to improve eyesight and discover how to strengthen your vision naturally with yoga! Note: Remember to …

May 18, 2022
Each Yama and Niyama has poses (asanas) and hand gestures or shapes (mudras) associated with it as well as a mantra (sanskrit phrases or prayers). Try practicing the pose or the mudra while thinking about Asteya or while repeating or …

May 11, 2022
Asteya literally means non-stealing. But on a deeper level, it encourages us to abandon intent or desire to possess or steal. This can include stealing resources, time, energy, creativity, truth, and growth from yourself and others.  Asteya is about how …

February 14, 2022
” An asana must be righteous and virtuous. By righteous I mean that it must be true. You must not cheat or pretend. You must fill every inch of your body with the asana from your chest and arms and …

September 3, 2021
The answer to addressing loneliness through the yoga practice does not lie in the extremes of total solitude or always being with your community. Rather, it lies somewhere in between: a balance of connecting with the self in solitude while …

August 6, 2021
Natarajasana is a standing asana that requires balance and concentration. The name comes from the Sanskrit nata, meaning “dancer,” raja, meaning “king,” and asana, meaning “pose” or “posture.” The common English name for this pose is dancer’s pose. Traditionally, nataraja is the king, or lord, of the dance, which is …

June 2, 2021
This posture is symbolic of a particular myth of Anjaneya (later known as Hanuman). He was an incarnation of the Lord Shiva. As a young child, he was captivated by what he thought was a giant, glowing fruit in the …

May 12, 2021
Named after the Hindu elephant God Ganesh, this mudra is believed to invoke his energy as the remover of obstacles. As such, practicing the Ganesha mudra is said to enhance self-confidence and provide the courage to overcome anything that is …

May 2, 2021
Many foundational yoga poses come from things we see in nature..animals, plants, mountains, celestial bodies and the elements. In this way, our yoga is not just a union of our mind, body and breathing but also a way to connect …

April 15, 2021
Every yoga class we teach needs to have a purpose. We usually call it intention, and it’s basically an answer to the question “What are you trying to accomplish?” It can also be framed as a statement: “By the end …

March 24, 2021
Breathing in rhythmic formations will help you to concentrate and gain control of the breath and hence, control of the mind In most cases of so-called “normal breathing”, the breathing action is concentrated in the upper part of the chest. …

March 4, 2021
Dreamy Pisces season invites us to dive deep into the emotion ocean as we take time for deep introspection, healing and closure. During Pisces season, we are reminded that part of us falls away (like winter) so we can be born again (like …

February 19, 2021
The Earth nourishes a tree. A tree is deep-rooted in Earth. Your Self nourishes you. Are you deep rooted in Self? For nothing  in return a tree gives flowers, fruits wood and shade. For nothing in return do you reach out to …

November 24, 2020
“The goal of all asana practice is doing them from the core of your being and extending out dynamically through to the periphery of your body. As you stretch, in turn the periphery takes messages back to the core. From …

November 8, 2020
“ In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete, and yet life is ever changing. Life is never stuck or static or stale, for each moment is ever new and fresh. Every moment of …

October 28, 2020
It’s hot out there! Practice Sitali breath to cool you down. Deep in the Himalayas, ancient sages observed and imitated the world around them in the noble attempt to master body, breath, and mind. They noticed the curve of a …

October 24, 2020
According to Ayurveda, fiery Pitta energy dominates in our environment in the summer time. This can lead to an unwanted accumulation of Pitta—with its hot and sharp qualities—in your body. If you have a Pitta-dominant constitution, you’ll want to be …

September 1, 2020
For those of us that are lucky enough to be able to work from home, this means more days that blur into each other, as we sit hunched at the kitchen table trying to get our work done.But staring at …

August 7, 2020
Natarajasana (not-ah-raj-AHS-anna) is a physically challenging, beautiful pose that requires flexibility in the spine, legs, and hips. To practice the pose,  use a thoughtful sequence filled with plenty of preparatory poses in order to make sure your body – and …

April 28, 2020
“What soul was his, when from the naked top of some bold headland, he beheld the sun rise up, and bathe the world in light” William Wandsworth, The Excursion When we look at our closest star, we may see nothing …

March 12, 2020
Matsyasana is a reclining back-bending asana. The name is derived form the Sanskrit matsya, meaning “fish,” and asana, meaning “pose.” Matsya is also the name of an incarnation of the god, Vishnu, who manifested himself as a large fish in order to save the earth from a …

January 29, 2020
Taking inspiration from the flutter of butterflies presently delighting us with their presence let us look at Baddha Konasana also known as the Butterfly or Bound Angle Pose. This pose is believed to have its origins in the typical sitting …

January 3, 2020
For some of us, the strong Warrior poses are invigorating and empowering. For others, they’re demanding and require great effort. For many of us, they’re all of these. The three Warrior poses are named after Virabhadra, the fierce warrior that’s a …

December 10, 2019
In a fast-paced world full of digital distraction and endless demands on our time and energy, more and more people are living with chronic stress and anxiety. The causes of mental health issues are varied and complex, but if you …

August 14, 2019
Garudasana  or Eagle Pose is a beautiful, spiraling swirl of a standing balance. It takes its name from the mythical Garuda, king of all birds and vehicle of choice for Hindu God Vishnu. Garuda is depicted as a majestic golden beast …

July 31, 2019
The most intriguing part of your yoga practice lies in the ever-changing state of both your body and mind. When you begin any conscious practice, you realize you’re never exactly the same as you were the day before. This continual …

June 27, 2019
Requiring strength and steadiness, plank pose, or phalakasana (fal-ack-AHS-anna), is an essential posture for a strong yoga practice. Helping you develop the strength needed to access more advanced arm balancing postures, holding plank pose will improve your endurance and muscle …

April 17, 2019
“The goal of all asana practice is doing them from the core of your being and extending out dynamically through to the periphery of your body. As you stretch, in turn the periphery takes messages back to the core. From head to …

February 1, 2019
“Begin your practice from the heart, doing it because of Oneness – raising your Consciousness raises all Consciousness, pouring healing out into the Cosmos. Our inner eye knows that we do not need anything so we do not need to grasp …

January 23, 2019
Yoga is an incredibly powerful practice that anyone can pick up in their home and experience the benefits. With practice you really learn to move at your own pace, listen to your body, and develop a stronger mind/body connection. Start …

November 30, 2018
Pasasana is an asana in which the body is twisted and the arms are bound around the squatting legs. The name comes from the Sanskrit pasa, meaning “noose,” “tie” or “snare,” and asana, which means “pose” or “posture.” It is so called because of …

September 14, 2018
  There are many causes of headaches, tension being the most common as it causes constant contraction of the head and neck muscles.  By including the following postures in your regular yoga practice you can help prevent headaches from developing, …

May 23, 2018
All our yoga asanas are in preparation for the physical stillness, the anchored balance and grounded mindful awareness that padmasana, full lotus sitting posture, affords.

February 14, 2018
For many, “opening your heart” implies receptivity to love and intimacy in a romantic relationship — bring on the candy and flowers. Back bends, also known as heart openers, focus on the heart chakra.  Consider the slumped shoulders of someone …

December 6, 2017
“Invest 1 percent of each day’s time in you and the other 99 percent will benefit” Prof .Colin Turner This translates into 12 minutes of your waking hours which is exactly how much time you need for this asana The …

November 24, 2017
During the first few classes, yoga practitioners love the elongating stretch they feel through the spine, legs and pelvis, but also notice the calming sensation they benefit from. When you bow into a forward bend, you are slowly molding your …

November 15, 2017
Shoulder Stand is a favourite asana for many people and may be included in one’s daily practice as a “reward” for all the hard work done earlier in the vinyasa… In this asana, the body is inverted and supported by …

September 20, 2017
Gyan Mudra is one of the most familiar hasta mudras (hand gestures). Many of the great spiritual masters are depicted sitting in meditation with their hands in Gyan Mudra with the thumb and index finger brought together in gentle contact. It is …

August 25, 2017
Practicing yoga asana is one way to keep ourselves nimble, and not just in our daily movements through space. Many of yoga’s asanas also benefit the vital internal systems that operate 24/7 to keep us alive. Virasana (Hero’s Pose) resides …

July 12, 2017
Insomnia is a serious medical and psychiatric condition, characterized primarily by sleeplessness. Sleep is a basic necessity of human bodies. It is a restorative state in which the human body rejuvenates itself. But, for people dealing with insomnia, sleep is …

March 15, 2017
When you feel a headache coming on,an alternative and healthier approach to popping a pill could be to try the following Yoga asanas. Sarvangasana (shoulder stand): this asana helps calm a headache as reversing the effects of gravity can help …

December 2, 2016
This asana gives a lovely lateral torso stretch and works into the tiny muscles between the side ribs. The hamstrings and inner thigh muscles are lengthened, the hips and shoulder sockets are loosened and blood circulation is increased to the …

August 25, 2016
As a yoga practitioner, you are part of an ancient tradition that dates back at least 5,000 years and has produced great spiritual and philosophical geniuses who have provided answers to some of life’s biggest questions. Questions such as, “Who …

July 22, 2016
“In an asana, the mind has to reach inside the body to find a quite space until a point comes where perfect balance is felt”. – Geeta Iyengar

May 11, 2016
Nadi Shodhana, or “alternate nostril breathing,” is a simple yet powerful technique that settles the mind, body, and emotions. There are several different styles of Nadi Shodhana, but they all serve the purpose of creating balance and regulating the flow …

May 4, 2016
“The tree of wisdom has fibres of forebearance, deep roots of steadfastness, flowers of virtue and branches of awareness”- Buddhist Proverb When practicing Vrkasana (vrksa=tree; asana=pose) balancing can be very difficult at first, so take it easy, try to relax. …

December 23, 2015
Emotions can manifest themselves physically more readily than we realize. But is it just like your brain flipping a switch? Watch this clip as Leslie Kaminoff, founder of the Breathing Project and author of ” Yoga Anatomy” explores how it …

December 2, 2015
A man who as a physical being is always turned toward the outside, thinking that his happiness lies outside him; finally he turns inward and discovers that the source is within him.” ~ Soren Kierkegaard Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings on …

September 30, 2015
“It was the greatest leap ever taken. The speed of Hanuman’s jump pulled blossoms and flowers into the air after him and they fell like little stars on the waving treetops. The animals on the beach had never seen such …

March 4, 2015
THE CAMEL “Caught up in the energy of breath, I release the spring of my being Thighs and spine recline Within this posture, bending me Curved branch of life’s tree Whose blossoms lend fingers to God Who fashioned me” Camel …

July 3, 2014

June 13, 2014
Ok, love the chanting!  

November 15, 2013
I love this presentation! Prepping for Eka Pada Galavasana Flying Crow.

July 15, 2013
“Yoga is a dance of opposites. suppleness and strength relaxation and vigour, lifting and grounding, darkness and light, humour and seriousness, freedom and discipline” By Stephanie Pappas (Devalila Yoga Teacher)

May 31, 2013
7 good pointers for integrating sadhana into lifestyle.Sustaining self practice or even becoming and staying fit may be a challenge. 1. Be Consistent: dedicate a set time and space for a routine  that suits your day. 2. Be inspired, passionate, mindful: Find …

May 27, 2013
Arm balances such as crow, side crow, peacock, flying pigeon, and eight angle (just to name a few), are a group of yoga poses that can be challenging, but they can also be fun! Floating or flying up into an arm balance doesn’t …

July 4, 2012
Bernie Clark has been teaching yoga and meditation since 1998. He has a bachelor degree in Science from the University of Waterloo Vancouver, CA, and combines his intense interest in yoga with an understanding of the scientific approach. The Dragon Dance: …

May 21, 2012
To  paraphrase the poet William Blake, you can see the world in a grain of sand. Similarly, you can learn a great deal about all asanas by carefully studying one. We focus on Hanumasana to illustrate pose analysis, agonist/antagonist muscle pairs, …

January 15, 2010
The practice of yoga offers solutions to all types of stress, including social anxiety.Whilst any yoga program can help ease social anxiety, these three poses are especially helpful. Crocodile Pose: This is a deceptively simple posture that can deliver dramatic benefits. Relax …

December 17, 2009
Go upside down to find the inside out! The best kept anti-ageing secret known to man, inverted poses are not only gravity defying, they help oxygenate the blood in the brain and clear space for new ideas in the mind, …

November 3, 2009
Our eyes need regular exercise in order to keep them healthy, just like any other muscle in the body. We take it for granted that our eyes will deteriorate and that we will eventually need glasses or contact lenses. This …